Find info, attend panels, and more at Pre-Law Day

Zach Sullivan, Reporter

Bakersfield College will be hosting its second annual Pre-Law Day Conference on April 28 to provide an educational event for local BC and high school students interested in pursuing a career in law, according to Marilynn Sanchez, a Pre-Law Program leadership team member and political science professor at BC.

This year’s theme is “Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the 14th Amendment”.  The conference will place a special emphasis on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which is the case that focused on nationwide legalization of racial desegregation. The event will take place in the BC Performing Arts Center.

Students in attendance will have the opportunity to learn about historical court cases that paved the way for legal racial desegregation not only in the state of California, but nationwide. The event will include two panel discussions composed of prominent local attorney and judges, including Judge Steven Katz, an adjunct professor at BC as well as a courtroom commissioner. Students will receive valuable legal insight and advice from the panel throughout the discussion.

Sanchez claims students in attendance will also gain valuable insight on how acquiring their Juris Doctor (a degree in Law) is not only for those interested in practicing law as a career.

“Through our event, students will learn that individuals with JD’s have many career possibilities such as: lawyer, judge, mediator, paralegal, consultant, educator, court administrator, government administrator, politician, college/university president and many other career opportunities. We hope that at Law Day the students learn that earning a JD primarily expands employment opportunities, allowing a law school graduate to select the profession they are most passionate about,” she said. Sanchez believes students interested in this event will benefit in a plethora of ways from attending. “In my opinion, students should expect to walk away from the conference with: 1) enhanced knowledge on the historical landmark legal cases that lead to racial desegregation in the U.S., 2) valuable legal insight and advice from local judges and attorneys on potentially pursuing a law degree, 3) an opportunity to network with local law offices for potential internship opportunities, 4) learn about various careers available to law school graduates, 5) learn details about the law school application process, 6) socialize with peers that may have the same career interest, 7) make helpful professional connections that will hopefully last a lifetime, and 8) learn more about BC’s Pre-Law Program and how to join if they become interested in doing so,” she said.

The event is free and open to all students on campus. Sanchez also sees the event as a great way for students to make important connections for their future.

“Hopefully, this event will be very successful in connecting students to potential internship opportunities.

“Especially since we are expecting approximately 30 local law offices to host internship booths.  Students need to keep in mind that networking is crucial for their professional success, therefore attending events such as the BC Law Day Conference will give them that opportunity,” Sanchez said. Anyone who is interested in attending is encouraged to sign up for the conference online at before April 19.