Being single is okay

Thalia Pimentel

Thalia Pimentel

Thalia Pimentel

Thalia Pimentel, Reporter

Being single is okay. Matter of fact, it is the most peaceful, eye-opening, and self-evaluating thing you can do for yourself.
Being single teaches you how to love yourself, it shows you who really belongs in your life, and you just become a better and stronger person. What does being single really mean to you? Or am I making it too deep at this point?
Anyways, if you never noticed obviously this is a dating column and if you’re dating, you’re obviously single. Or are you?
I noticed not too long ago that I never talked about being single so here we are. I noticed I have personally been single for about 2 or more years and I have a few friends that are involved in a variety of situations. Some are in relationships, others are single, and some are even going through breakups. I asked my single friends who go to BC about what it means to them to be single.
My friend Michaela said, “I just wanted to say that it’s okay to feel lonely. The world isn’t going to end if you’re not talking to someone or going out when you want!”.
I couldn’t agree more, being single made me learn how to be myself. For example, I would take myself out to eat, go shopping alone, go to the gym by myself, etc.! It’s okay to be alone and learn how to find comfort in being alone sometimes.
Now, what about the people that can’t stand being single for a few weeks or months and they feel like they belong in a relationship? I’m sure everybody knows somebody who is like that. There can be a variety of opinions on this topic such as people thinking they are insecure, maybe they just hate being alone, or they don’t want to put in the work of getting over their ex? Who knows?
My old friend that also goes to BC named Richard also said “You should talk about how some people can’t stay single because they hate being alone. Lowkey, the most toxic people I know.” I thought about how crazy this message was because that topic was in my brain for a variety of reasons this weekend.
I ran a few voting polls on my social media, specifically Twitter, and I asked a couple of questions like “Is being single okay?”, out of 83 votes 54% said yes, 7% said no, and 39% said absolutely!
I also asked, “Are you genuinely happy in your relationship?”, out of 84 votes 71%, yes and 29% said no. The last and final question I ran was “Why are you single?” out of 77 votes 32% said they don’t want to settle, 47% said they have trust issues, and 21% said it’s fun. A few comments were made when I ran this poll and BC student Andrew Gonzalez said he’s single because no one wants him, and his buddy Vanessa also mentioned that she’s single because men suck.
The point of the matter is if you’re single, it is not the end of the world. We are young, beautiful, and have our whole lives ahead of us. We must use this time to learn about ourselves as an individual, feeling alone is okay because if you really think about it, we just get bored, and along the way what belongs to you will come to you regardless. What’s meant to be will always be, and always remind yourself that you are the center of your universe.