A thought-provoking and somewhat controversial art exhibit has come to Bakersfield College.
Trigger warning: discussion about sexual assault below.
Autumn Nicole, an artist who is not a student here, has a showcase displayed at The Jones Art Gallery, located inside the BC library. There has been much discussion among students about the inappropriate items seen within the exhibit. A few of the pieces, which are quite unusual, have sparked significant conversation. Many students have passed by the art gallery and have likely wondered why all the windows are covered. A sign reading “Viewer discretion is advised,” along with a trigger warning, is displayed right outside the door.
Along with that, resources available are posted as well.

While this topic may be difficult for some to confront, the artist aims to address the issue of sexual assault. The motivation behind these controversial art pieces pertains to the high number of unreported sexual assault cases in the United States. At first glance, the exhibit may seem to consist of merely a few body parts; however, it is much more profound than that. The artist explains that she used “casted life-size candles to represent violence against bodies that largely go unreported, leaving behind only remnants.”
Expression through art is how many people find comfort or use it as a symbol for various issues. She also states, “Each lit candle represents an unreported case.”

Parker Slayden, a student at BC who viewed the showcase, remarked that art is an “integral part of the human experience.” He emphasized the importance of art and expressed excitement about having this display on campus, even bringing a friend to see it a second time.
This showcase, which opened on Oct. 7, is presented at the Wylie and May Louise Jones Gallery. Marshall Sharpe, the director of the Jones Art Gallery, expressed his pleasure at the interest and curiosity generated by the current exhibitions. Although there were some concerns about Autumn Nicole’s installation addressing underreported cases of sexual violence, many viewers have strongly identified with the work, feeling that it creates a meaningful space to discuss this difficult but important topic.
These powerful works of art are essential to bring awareness to the people about hard to talk about topics.