BC daily update

Mariah Arviso, Reporter

Bakersfield College President, Sonya Christian, held a panel on March 23. The panel included students that expressed their positivity and difficulties during the online transition. 

The panel consisted of BC students Josiah Diaz, Robin Van Dyke, Catherine Johnston, and Student Body President Samantha Pulido. The students each expressed their concerns about using zoom and personal experiences during the online classes.  

Faculty spent time transitioning their face-to-face classes to online for usbecause they care about our main goal, a college degree,” Pulido said.  

Each student discussed any emotional difficulties that students may face during this time of social distancingThey advised students to keep up their regular routines that they would do as if they were going to school in order to keep their mental health stable. Diaz recommended watching your lectures out of bed. 

Many of the students noticed difficulties in connecting to Zoom and maintaining a video connection while interacting with professors. Although these issues do occur, the panel made sure to encourage students to keep a positive mindset. 

“I want to give applause to the faculty and staff at BC who have been doing a great job keeping up with the online transition that has been very difficult for some,” Diaz said. In light of everything that has been happening, I think that the transition has been hard, but overall its been great and I think we will be better students in the end.” 

If any students are struggling with anything from mental health to technical issues regarding this transition, all student services are available online. You can go through the BC website and email any of the services needed.