The newest entry into the “MonsterVerse” franchise “Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire” hit theaters Mar. 29 and follows where we last left off in “Godzilla Vs. Kong” where the world has now been balanced out after the fight of The King of the Monsters and King Kong.
This movie follows Kong in his new home of Hollow Earth as he still struggles to fit in with his surroundings constantly hoping to find family, while on the surface world Godzilla starts to become erratic in his behavior becoming very violent instead of the protector he usually is. This is due to the biggest threat yet that lies deep within Hollow Earth so big that it will take both Kings to team up to beat it.
As always with most MonsterVerse movies the best parts of the film are the fight scenes. This movie did not disappoint fans with the amazing fights that happened at the end of the movie with “Skar King”, the film’s villain. Though the final fight is amazing, it is not enough to look past all the terrible parts of the movie.
In one of the scenes, a mother is talking to her adopted daughter who tells her mom that she feels like she doesn’t fit in anywhere due to being from an extinct tribe of people. The scene is meant to be emotional but 2 seconds after the scene moviegoers get hit with the least subtle car ad in any movie ever as the camera immediately pans out to a shot of a Volkswagen car, this sums up the acting in the movie.
Though acting from the human cast fails to deliver, the film is able to fall back on the good parts like Kong finally finding family in a young ape of a similar species. The young ape Suko and Kong share a very cutefather/son relationship throughout the movie.
The movie does nothing new for the genre and is a pretty cookie cutter MonsterVerse movie, but it is still worth watching for any fans of the genre. Though one thing is certain as always, Godzilla is awesome.