Houchin Blood Drive at BC

Nadeen Maniord, Reporter

Once again Houchin Blood Bank returned to Bakersfield College, to give students a chance to donate blood March 8 and 9.

A Houchin Blood Drive representive at BC (Allan Manalili)

BC has Houchin come on to campus at least once per semester. According to Houchin’s website “Every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. Demand is high, but you can help.” The company pushes the importance of blood donation, because it can save lives.

Medical professionals on site such as Simon Cambrea, performed a series of tests on those who donated. This included checking iron levels, in order to ensure that it is safe for both doner, and recipient of blood.

After donating, people were given snacks to ensure they didn’t pass out. It is recommended by medical professionals that after blood donation, donors take things easy.

Katherine Deford stated, this act of kindness will encourage more people to care and do more for their community. All incoming information on another blood drive can be found on BC’s website.