Feminism: Why isn’t there more women in charge?

Rosa Salazar, Copy Editor

Let’s talk about feminism and the relationship with the U.S. government. Let’s begin with political representation. Back in 1789, when the Constitution was written, its goal was “to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

The Constitution also divided the power of government into three branches; the executive, legislative and the judicial.

The executive branch A.K.A. the President of the United States along with the Vice President and Cabinet members. Their duties include “implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress” and appointing the heads of federal agencies. Since the implementation of the Constitution, there have been 45 presidents and none with a vagina.

Why is it such a big deal that we haven’t had a female president? Here are three valid points of view from a New York Times poll titled, “We Asked, You Answered: Is It Important to Elect a Female President?”

Elizabeth Rousseau, a student said, “It shows the world and our women that your gender matters.”

Rousseau explained that a female president would mark a triumph “in a world plagued by gender discrimination.” She also said it shows the world that our gender matters, and that we respect each other as equally capable human beings. Ditto.

Another great point is “Every other major country in the world has had female leadership’” according to Yvonne Isaac, a consultant.

Isaac believes with more than 50 percent of women in the workforce, there is not a more perfect time to elect a woman.

Furthermore, Isaac said “All the other issues, including national defense and the economy, are handled by women all over the world. Every other major country in the world has had female leadership. It is our time.”

Alice Thompson, a medical assistant brought up an interesting perspective which was

“‘We should be asking more men this question.’”

Thompson said men have been controlling the country since the beginning and it’s time for women to have the chance to have presidential representation.

In addition, Thompson said people don’t realize that 50 percent of the population don’t have equal representation.

“What’s crazy is that we even have to ask that question. It should be important to every man who has ever had a mother or sister or daughter,” she said.

Now let’s look at the facts. In the legislative branch which is composed of the House of Representatives (435 people) which are divided between the states according to the population. Then we have the Senate which has two people from each state (100). For the Senate, the women are currently dominating with 56 seats. But for the H.O.R., men have the majority of the seats to be precise, 333 (76.6%) leaving 102 (23.4%) for the women. Lastly, for the Judicial branch who were nominated by President Trump and confirmed by the Senate with a total of 85 people, about 20 of them are women.

We need women to represent women. We can’t let men be in charge of women’s healthcare because it makes absolutely no sense. We don’t necessarily need to vote for women. We need more women running in the first place!