Make Sex Safe Again
September 17, 2018
Having the knowledge about practicing safer sex is important for every person who is sexually active or considering becoming sexually active. Refreshing and expanding one’s knowledge about practicing safer sex is just as important because some information may have slipped by unnoticed, new information may have been released, or something may have been forgotten.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections passed from one person to another via oral, anal, vaginal sex, or genital skin to skin contact with someone infected.
There are a plethora of preventative measures to protect against STDs. One of the most important measures is always using protective barriers like female and male condoms and dental dams each time when having sex and regularly getting tested for STDs.

It’s also helpful for individuals to communicate with the person they want to have sex with about each other’s sexual health and set ground rules for what they want.
It’s not rude to ask a potential sexual partner to get tested before having sex with them and having them show their results from an STD test. There’s nothing wrong with reciprocating the action either because it may help build trust. The most important thing is the health of each person involved.
Condoms should be used for any type of sex; it does not matter whether it is oral sex, anally, or vaginally.
Condoms should also be used if sex toys are being shared. It is important to remember that condoms should be replaced on the toy each time a new person uses it to avoid swapping bodily fluids.
Rimming somebody? Use a dental dam to avoid potentially catching an STD or becoming sick.
Cunnilingus and fellatio should also be used with protective barriers.
It is also important to know the different materials condoms are made of because they have different uses. Some only help with preventing pregnancies and does nothing to prevent STDs, such as lambskin and other animal membrane condoms. Latex, plastic, and female condoms protect individuals from both pregnancy and STDs.
Having anal sex can be pleasurable for some if done correctly, but it could also be painful and potentially dangerous if the proper precautions aren’t taken.
The anus cannot lubricate itself unlike the vagina can, so it’s important to use lubrication to prevent friction and skin tearing.
Remember to use lubrication that is safe to use with latex condoms to prevent wearing the condom out. Water and silicone-based lubrication are safe to use with latex condoms, never use an oil-based lubricant.