A new set of BCSGA officers have been appointed for next academic year

Logan King, Reporter

Photo Courtesy of BC Student Life
New BCSGA President Samatha Pulido.

Elections at Bakersfield College have ended seemingly without notice. The election this semester lacked candidates for the majority of open positions and those who ran were unopposed. Thus, every person who ran for office won.

Our current vice president Samantha Pulido has won the office of the President. Pulido is set to graduate in 2020 with an Associate’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics.

Armando Dimas won the office of Vice President. Dimas is a Nursing/Radiation Tech major. Dimas also intends to make sure things at BC are being run correctly according to the Brown Act and Robert Rule.

Plant Science Major Danny Escobar maintained his Senate seat. Escobar intends to use his position to raise student awareness of on-campus resources.

Connor Harris also took an open Senate seat. Harris is a political science major who intends to bring something different to the student body government.

“Political correctness has dominated the student government and I am the only one who is going to tell it like it is.”, Harris asserted.

With only two candidates running for the Senate both Escobar and Harris took the open seats.

This leaves 10 seats open in the student senate. There will be mid-semester appoints in the fall if interest increases. Until then students’ interests are being represented by Escobar and Harris.

Samuel Schissler won the position of Director of Student Organizations. Schissler is a communication major who intends to strengthen the sense of community at BC.

Looking toward Fall 2019 BC student government is going from small to smaller.

There are two executives, a president, and vice president. There are two of 12 senators. There is no Judiciary.

The voter turns out was 3.48 percent. The Transportation Fee received 398 votes, not in favor of the new initiative.

Perhaps this political apathy stems from the state of campus construction. However, the student body government ought not to be forgotten. They continue to exist and create legislation. But, without the interest or action of students, they are a disabled governing force. Thus, the everyday life of students is placed into the hands of faculty and administration.

Ideally, there will be more interest in the fall.

BC tends to see an influx of new students in the fall semester. Perhaps they will fill the vacant seats in the Student Body Government.