“Till” is a movie not to be forgotten
November 9, 2022
“Till” tells the true story through the eyes of Mamie Till (played by Danielle Deadwyler), the mother of Emmett Till, who was brutally murdered in a 1955 lynching. It is a very emotional movie for the audience to watch at the horror that can occur in this world.

This movie was directed by Chinonye Chukwu, mostly known for her films in drama such as her 2019 film “Clemency.”
This movie will have you crying, angry and astonished at some of the things that are happening in the movie and in real life.
Emmett Till (Jalyn Hall), a 14-year-old boy got lynched out of malice. He was a young boy visiting his aunt’s house to see his cousins. During the trip to his cousins’ house, he saw a woman in the store and called her beautiful and said that she looked like a movie star. In that time period, Black people weren’t allowed to talk to white women in that way, so both of his cousins pulled him back and told him that he might get into some trouble for talking to white people like that.
A few days later a few men came by his aunt’s house and Emmet got called up to the door. They took him to an abandoned shed, and a few weeks later he was pronounced dead. This movie is very heart wrenching. Imagine a mother sending her only child to his aunt’s house for a fun time only to return home in a coffin.
This ugly piece of American history is shown well in a movie should be seen by all ages to educate people on what happened to this child and how something like this should never happen to future generations of people.
The crazy thing is that this story took place 67 years ago, but it took until March 29, 2022, for the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, which makes lynching a federal hate crime, to become law.